

Hi there, my name is E. Dagger. I'm a mall slave, cat-person-with-a-dog, and caffeine lover. I'm trying to back into the habit of writing. It's not that I've ever really quit, but I did stop actually putting the words on paper, which is a very difficult habit to break. This is one attempt, not to be confused with the first. My best friends are a Physicist, a Dragon, and a Lion. I live in the state of Colorado, where I am permanently in love with the mountains. Books whisk me away to other worlds frequently and Alkaline Trio is my soulmate music. I'm a geek who is notoriously rough around the edges. Magic the Gathering takes up an incredible amount of my free time. I'm fascinated by science; I collect hoodies and sweaters; I love the well placed use of a swear.
WumpaSpacePrincess has written 6 posts for It Only Burns A Little…

Quick Update

I think the title says it all. Just a quick few lines to update the status of this particular web address. I confess I have gotten a bit lax in updating and writing things for your pretty eyes to read. And I apologize. But, no more! I’m going to blow the dust off this rusty … Continue reading

Throwing-up My Guts

While I do my best to keep it (“it” being life, outlook, how I meet problems or stupid people) humorous, I find that for a moment, I have to stray into a sort of artsy, soul touching moment, of throwing up my guts onto this digital paper that you find here before you. I really … Continue reading

Thought of the Day for 2 August 2012

“Every time I look at you I get a fierce desire to be lonesome.”
– Oscar Levant

I would like to say that this is simply one of those pithy, sarcastic quotes that comes from being a generally pissy sarcastic ass, but as I was typing it up for the day, I sadly realized that it’s so much more than that. As a human with a Facebook account, and a decent amount of “friends,” largely from being in one place for too long, my newsfeed everyday is filled with, for lack of a better word, shit. And it’s all kinds of shit; political shit- some I agree with, some I don’t; whiny shit; my-kid-is-more-awesomer-than-your-kid shit…just general BS. But then, there’s the other kind of shit. The kind that actually makes you lose hope in humanity and want to hit things. Hard, with a hammer. I’ve watched, and sadly on some occasion participated in, couples and friends breaking up and tearing each other down, hate towards others due to some trait or something else trivial, personal attacks, and what I’ve dubbed “vaguebooking,” in which you passive-agreesively take stabs at one thing or another. Now, I’m happy to say that I’ve gotten markedly better in regards to all of those things, and keeping my own personal life drama off of that particular form of public domain. However, I still get on everyday (I’m guessing because I secretly hate myself) and watch passively as people treat themselves and other horrifically, and you know what? It make me happy that my friendship group in real life is small and my dating life is non-existant. Because there is no reason ever to put yourself through that kind of crap. No reason to be attacked, put down, walked on, or bullied by people. At all, ever. Not for friends and especially not for a significant other. 

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Friends are there for you… No matter how much you wish they weren’t.

I have the same experience pretty much every time I use sun block, which I have to, as I am pasty white, don’t tan, and don’t want cancer. Anyhow, said experience is a little like this. Puttin’ on sunblock, puttin’ on sunblock. Oh doing my face so I don’t get weird sunburn lines, oh-… OH … Continue reading

Thought for 31 July 2012

“I didn’t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approve of it.” -Mark Twain. This man has summed up my feelings on like 99% of the world. Apparently that makes me unapproachable. Hallelujah.

The Worst Introduction Ever.

Well, since it’s my first post to you fine people, I thought I would start out with a classic. Not only does it give you an idea for the things that I find amusing, but because sarcasm is like oxygen to me. It is also a phrase I get to use almost daily. So here … Continue reading